


Aceh, Indonesia


  • Copper Gold Project

  • 24,260 ha

  • Porphyry and Epithermal 


    (6 Moz Au @ > 20 g/t Au) BONANZA MINERALISATION.


  • Highly prospective 24,260-hectare 6th generation Contract of Work.

  • Previously explored by Barrick Gold (1996-1998) and then by Newcrest (1999-2002 who beat out competitor bids from Aurora Gold, Billiton and Western Mining).

  • §  More than 18,000m  of combined strike length of Au-Ag bearing low-sulphidationepithermal type quartz veins/breccia.  Six defined prospect areas (2 new prospect areas discovered).  Structurally-controlled.

  • Total of 133 holes drilled for 20,584m

  • 4,631m Phase 1 scout drill program at Anak Perak and Rek Rinti prospect areascompleted

  • 10,789m Phase 2 drill program completed drill at Anak Perak, Rek Rinti and AloeEumpeuk prospect areas 

  • 2,156m Phase 2 sweet spot extended drill program at Rek Rinti completed.

  • 3,008m Phase 3 drill program – 1,124m Resource Delineation drilling at Rek Rinti completed and 1,884m scout drilling at Aloe Rek completed.

  • Identified porphyry targets remain untested with more detailed mapping to confirm drill targets.

  • Peak assays from diamond drill program of:

    • 81 g/t Au and 734 g/t Ag - Rek Rinti

    • 24.9 g/t Au and 42.5 g/t Ag – Anak Perak

    • 28.06 g/t Au and 1,359 g/t Ag – Aloe Eumpeuk

    • 30.05 g/t Au and 212.6 g/t Ag Aloe Rek

  • Peak assays from rock grab samples of :

    • 131 g/t Au and 1,508 g/t Ag – Aloe Eumpeuk

    • 76 g/t Au and 78 g/t Ag - Aloe Rek

    • 98 g/t Au and 77 g/t Ag –  Kareung Reuboeh


 “The Woyla Project represents one of the most prospective undrilled gold properties in Indonesia with potential for high-grade bonanza style epithermal-type veins and proximal porphyry and skarn-type copper-gold deposits.”

Anak Perak Prospect

Surface trenching has exposed the Aloe Eumpeuk vein system for 100 meters along strike, with individual vein widths up to 3 meters wide.

  • Trench sampling includes:
    16m @ 2.93 g/t Au, 2 g/t Ag, incl. 9m @ 5.16 g/t Au, 2.41 g/t Ag and 1m @ 28.3 g/t Au, 9.9 g/t Ag.

  • Peak channel samples assayed up to 28 g/t Au over 1 metre.

  • Soil sampling has defined highly prospective gold results for 250m along strike and up to 120m in width.

  • Stream sediment samples from this area assayed up to 0.5g/t Au and rock float samples up to 12.4g/t Au,
    400g/t Ag.

Aloe Eumpeuk Prospect

  • Surface trenching has exposed the Aloe Eumpeuk vein system for 100 meters along strike, with individual vein widths up to 3 meters wide.

  • Trench sampling includes:
    16m @ 2.93 g/t Au, 2 g/t Ag, incl. 9m @ 5.16 g/t Au, 2.41 g/t Ag and 1m @ 28.3 g/t Au, 9.9 g/t Ag.

  • Peak channel samples assayed up to 28 g/t Au over 1 metre.

  • Soil sampling has defined highly prospective gold results for 250m along strike and up to 120m in width.

  • Stream sediment samples from this area assayed up to 0.5g/t Au and rock float samples up to 12.4g/t Au, 400g/t Ag.

Photo: Aloe Eumpeuk Colloform banding fine sulphides epithermal Quartz

Aloe Rek Prospect

  • Mineralisation at Aloe Rek is located in the Victory Vein, which is a complex series of quartz lenses and veinlets that can be traced over a strike distance of more than 1,000m, hosted in a broad zone of argillic altered andesite.

  • Individual veins exhibit well-defined bladed quartz replacing calcite and colloform quartz adularia banding.

  • Trench channel samples include:
    1m @ 13.4g/t Au and 7m @ 4.95g/t Au and 23.5 g/t Ag.

  • Soil sampling outlined a gold-arsenic anomaly up to 70m wide over a strike length of 900m coincident with the vein system. Anomalous arsenic values occur over an area up to 200m wide.

  • The extent of the vein system remains open along strike.

Photo: Sample from Aloe Rek

Rek Rinti Prospect

  • Rek Rinti occurs adjacent to the Sumatran Fault along the northern extensions of the Aloe Rek – Aloe Eumpeuk trend.

  • Northeast-trending quartz veins up to 5m wide - quartz textures include crustiform, comb and vugs with occasional brecciation.

  • Mineralisation is similar to the low sulphidation vein styles seen at Aloe Rek and Aloe Eumpeuk.

  • Rock float of veins assayed peaked at 24.2g/t Au and rock chip samples of outcropping quartz veins peaked at 4.1g/t Au. Silver is highly prospective in the rock and float chip samples and peaked at 138g/t Ag.

Photo: Rek Rinti epithermal vein structure exposed by illegal mining.

Beurieung Porphyry Copper Prospect

  • One of a cluster of known copper mineralised intrusives in Aceh. Numerous major international copper miners have previously been attracted to the Aceh porphyry deposits, Rio Tinto (Tangse and Tengkereng), Phelps Dodge (Indrapuri). Freeport McMoran/Asiamet drilled Beutong, with a JORC compliant resource estimate containing 2.4 Mt of copper and 2.1 Moz of gold.

  • Reconnaissance channel rock chip sampling of 40m @ 0.13% Cu and 0.12 g/t Au conducted by Barrick Gold was verified by resampling in 2007 Hairline quartz-magnetite+/-chalcopyrite stockwork veinlets were recorded in the clay-chlorite altered intrusive outcrop at Beurieung.

  • Reprocessing of Woyla Project airborne magnetic and radiometric data is complete and interpretations have noted distinct magnetic highs in this southern part of the CoW project area in and around the Beurieung porphyry system, suggesting multiple intrusives within the variably altered volcanics.

Photo: Major Porphyry Deposits

“A two-kilometer diameter circular feature encompasses the area and a major northeast trending lineament passes through the centre.”         

(PT Woyla Aceh Minerals Exploration Report 2018)